Game AI - Behavior Bricks

Playable WebGL Release available at the end of the page!

Project Info

  • Project Work Time: 2 hours
  • Tech Stack: Unity Engine, VS Code, Unity Assets
  • Contributors: Rylan Graham & Adria Pons

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Feature Description View
ToSteal Behavior Behavior Tree that determines Robber movement and stealing actions on Cop distance
Robber Behavior Tree Behavior Tree that determines scene robber movement and actions. Robber steals when cop is far away via triggers to game objects
Robber Moves Script that calls all Robber possible moves during scene. Used by animator to determine Robber states AI Moves Script: Robber Moves
Robber Wander Robber wander script, allows robber to wander scene when cop is too close AI Wander Script: Robber Wander
Cop Movement Cop moves via user press input on scene. Cop moves to cursor location on click Cop Move Script: Cop Move
State Machine - Animator Robber moves are determined by Finite State Machine in Animator, allows for assignment of robber behaviors to simple nodes
Cop Navigation Able to move cop around scene via pressing on location, cop will move to location
Robber Stealing Robbers can be seen visibly grabbing key, model dissapears when stolen
Robber Hiding Robbers move to chosen hide location, and evade cop
Menu System Functional menu system opened via esc key press, provides user with guide

Features Video

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