Game AI - Flocking & Leading

Project Info

  • Project Work Time: 7 hours
  • Tech Stack: Unity Engine, VS Code, Unity Assets
  • Contributors: Rylan Graham & Adria Pons

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Feature Description View
AI Wander Rat wanders randomly around scene. Direction/timing are random. Movement is animated with walking. AI Script: Wander
AI Flocking Snakes flock evenly as they move. Space between is kept constant. Movement is animated with walking. AI Script: Flock
Flock Following Snakes flock to the rat, and follow his movements across the map.
Walking Animations All Animals in scene are animated. So are elements in the environment. Shown here is the tree;
Camera Displays Scene features cam that follows the rat, and a central cam to the snake flock. Both are able to be looked around.
Bird Flocking Scene features a flock of bird that spawn randomly across the scene. Birds move to designated flock point and begin to flock.

Features Video

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